ANNA Membership
Information on ANNA
Functions of NSD as an ANNA member

Information on ANNA
Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) is an international organization founded in 1992 by a group of 22 national numbering agencies from different countries. The Association aims at ISIN codes allocation, distribution and usage as a unified method of financial instruments identification.
The Association’s other functions are:
- To provide the securities markets with securities unified identification codes in order to use them with the national and international trading, clearing and settlement systems;
- To create and maintain an effective international unified securities codification and identification system;
- To maintain and implement other ISO standards: ISO 10962 (CFI – Classification of Financial Instruments), ISO 10383 (MIC – Market Identification Code).
By April 1, 2009 the Association had united over 80 organizations from different countries most of which function as a national agencies responsible for allocation of international identification codes to securities and other financial instruments in their countries. The number of ANNA member and partner organizations grows annually due to the fact that new organizations endeavor to integrate their national stock markets into the global stock market and standardize operations with financial instruments by using unified international standards.
According to the Charter of ANNA:
- Each country can nominate only one organization to become an ANNA member;
- This organization is to function as a national numbering agency for its country;
- If the country does not have a national numbering agency another countries’ national numbering agency will become an authorized substitute numbering agency for the country until its own numbering agency is created.

Functions of NSD as an ANNA member
"The National Depository Center" (Closed Joint Stock Company) is an ANNA member since 1999. On November 15, 1999 the National Depository Center became an ANNA member by unanimous consent of the General Meeting of the Association in New York.
According to the regulatory documents of the Association, NDC main member objectives are:
- To function as National numbering agency for Russia;
- To function as Substitute numbering agency for the CIS countries in accordance with the powers assigned to NDC by regulators of these countries;
- To participate in the Association projects on development and application of international standards used in the financial markets.
- To participate in the General Meetings of the Association with the right of voting on the issues of the agenda at the General Meetings.

Country Report 2019 (764 kB)
Country Report 2018 (740 kB)
Country Report 2017 (426 kB)
Country Report 2016 (430 kB)
Member’s Profile - March, 2016 (400 kB)
Country Report 2015 (431 kB)
Country Report 2014 (423 kB)
Member’s Profile - July, 2014 (282 kB)
Country Report 2013 (777 kB)
Country Report 2012 (122 kB)
Member’s Profile - July, 2012 (69 kB)
Country Report 2011 (49 kB)
Member’s Profile 2011 (79 kB)